Fruit Garden Heroes® Endura-Poly Poster Set
Set of six
18” x 24” Endura-Poly posters
Posters are printed on Endura-Poly, an innovative long-lasing tear resistant, waterproof, and durable material. The posters have a satin finish to reduce glare, are scratch resistant, and do not curl when unrolled. The posters are resistant smudges and fingerprints and tape will easily peel away from the Endura-Poly surface without damage.
Set includes:
Banana Garden Hero Poster (#410347)
Apple Garden Hero Poster (#410348)
Kiwi Garden Hero Poster (#410349)
Blueberry Garden Hero Poster (#410350)
Orange Garden Hero Poster (#410351)
Watermelon Garden Hero Poster (#410352)
Freshen up interior spaces while promoting healthy food choices with the Fruit Garden Heroes® Endura-Poly Poster Set. The poster set features illustrated fruit Garden Heroes characters and silly puns that’ll be sure to get people of all ages to smile and giggle.
Make a statement by displaying the whole poster set at once or pair the poster set with a Snap Frame (sold separately) to help keep interior spaces feeling fresh and interesting by rotating poster images weekly or monthly.
This poster set can help give your cafeteria a cohesive, branded look that appeals to elementary-aged students when displayed with all our Garden Heroes themed signage.
A matching Vegetable Garden Heroes® Poster Set (#410360) also is available.