Portion Size MyPlate Bingo
• 30 laminated bingo cards (8½” x 11″)
• 60 clue cards
• Master list
• Instructions
For 2 – 30 players
Appropriate for grades 6 – Adult
Help players learn the portion sizes recommended by the USDA’s MyPlate with this colorful, easy-to-use Portion Size MyPlate Bingo game. The laminated bingo cards depict foods and drinks that fall into six categories: grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein. The teacher reads a clue card (“A ‘mini’ one of these dense rolls shaped in a ring equals 1 oz. of grains. A large one equals 4 oz.”), after which participants guess the item (bagel) and cover its picture if it appears on their cards.
Bingo chips sold separately: Blue Chips/Counters 500 (#5027)