Shake the Salt Habit Bulletin Board Kit
Kit includes two 5-1/2” x 17” title header pieces, information cards, and a variety of photos, all laminated for durability. Sized for a 3’ x 4’ bulletin board. Can be easily adapted to fit any size board. Bulletin board not included.
Current Dietary Guidelines recommend limiting salt intake to 2,300 mg or about 1 teaspoon a day. Discover how salt (sodium) sneaks into your diet and how to “shake the habit” with the Shake the Salt Habit Bulletin Board Kit. Information cards address where sodium comes from, why processed foods are so salty, daily intake recommendations, foods that are high in sodium, health problems linked to sodium, alternative names for salt, and more.
Click on the Free Teaching Materials tab below for Spanish translations of the bulletin board kit pieces for you to print and display alongside this English version.